Usage as a C Library



sha256_hasher_new(void): sha256_hasher_t

Allocate and initialize a new hasher.

sha256_hasher_del(sha256_hasher_t hasher): void

Free the hasher.

sha256_hasher_init(sha256_hasher_t hasher)

(Re-) Initialize the hasher for hashing.

sha256_hasher_putc(sha256_hasher_t hasher, uint8_t byte): int

Put byte to the hasher. Follows the standard putc conventions.

sha256_hasher_gethash(sha256_hasher_t hasher): uint8_t *

Returns a reference of the hash. One must not free the result. This modifies the state of the hasher. Once this function has been called, sha256_hasher_init must be invoked or sha256_hasher_putc will fail.

sha256_hasher_write(sha256_hasher_t hasher, const void * buf, size_t count): ssize_t

Writes to the hasher. Follows the standard write conventions and uses sha256_hasher_putc.

If SHA256_ENABLE_HMAC is defined in sha256/default.h also the following functions are available:

sha256_hasher_init_hmac(sha256_hasher_t hasher, const uint8_t * key, size_t key_len): void

Initialize the hasher for HMAC. Invokes sha256_hasher_init.

sha256_hasher_gethmac(sha256_hasher_t hasher): uint8_t *

Returns a reference of the hash. One must not free the result. This modifies the state of the hasher. Once this function has been called, sha256_hasher_init must be invoked or sha256_hasher_putc will fail.



sha1_hasher_new(void): sha1_hasher_t

Allocate and initialize a new hasher.

sha1_hasher_del(sha1_hasher_t hasher): void

Free the hasher.

sha1_hasher_init(sha1_hasher_t hasher)

(Re-) Initialize the hasher for hashing.

sha1_hasher_putc(sha1_hasher_t hasher, uint8_t byte): int

Put byte to the hasher. Follows the standard putc conventions.

sha1_hasher_gethash(sha1_hasher_t hasher): uint8_t *

Returns a reference of the hash. One must not free the result. This modifies the state of the hasher. Once this function has been called, sha1_hasher_init must be invoked or sha1_hasher_putc will fail.

sha1_hasher_write(sha1_hasher_t hasher, const void * buf, size_t count): ssize_t

Writes to the hasher. Follows the standard write conventions and uses sha1_hasher_putc.

If SHA1_ENABLE_HMAC is defined in sha1/default.h also the following functions are available:

sha1_hasher_init_hmac(sha1_hasher_t hasher, const uint8_t * key, size_t key_len): void

Initialize the hasher for HMAC. Invokes sha1_hasher_init.

sha1_hasher_gethmac(sha1_hasher_t hasher): uint8_t *

Returns a reference of the hash. One must not free the result. This modifies the state of the hasher. Once this function has been called, sha1_hasher_init must be invoked or sha1_hasher_putc will fail.