Usage with Arduino


Optimization and Disabling Code Objects

Code objects eat up your precious flash memory. It is therefore important to disable all the code you do not need.

This can be done using the file config.h in the library folder of cryptosuite2. This file includes the module configuration first so you can overwrite the module configuration.

The first thing one should do is to disable modules you do not need. This is done by defining SHA256_DISABLED or SHA1_DISABLED. All code for these modules will then be excluded.

Also you can disable HMAC to save both flash memory and RAM using #undef SHA256_ENABLE_HMAC and #undef SHA1_ENABLE_HMAC.

The last thing one can do is to disable the C++ interface (see the sections below about how to use the C interface) by defining SHA256_DISABLE_WRAPPER and SHA1_DISABLE_WRAPPER.


Simple Usage

cryptosuite2 brings a C++ interface that can be used by Arduino users easily.

After including the header one can use the class Sha256Wrapper with the methods

init(void): void

Initializes the Sha256Wrapper for hashing. Must be invoked before hashing.

result(void): uint8_t *

Returns a reference to the hash. Once this method has been called init must be invoked again.

write(various types): size_t

Write data into the hasher.

If the preprocessor macro SHA256_ENABLE_HMAC in config.h is set (which it is by default) 1 the following methods are available:

initHmac(const uint8_t * secret, unsigned int secretLength): void

Initializes the Sha256Wrapper for HMAC.

resultHmac(void): uint8_t *

Returns a reference to the hash. Once this method has been called init must be invoked again.

sha256.h also brings a global hasher: Sha256.


#include "sha256.h"

// read data from the serial interface and print the
// hash to the serial

void setup(void)

void loop(void)


        uint8_t * result = Sha256.result();


        for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] >> 4]);
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] & 0xf]);

The same way HMAC can be used:

#include "sha256.h"

void setup(void)

        // this is actually the RFC4231 4.3 test

        Sha256.initHmac((uint8_t * ) "Jefe", 4);
        Sha256.print("what do ya want for nothing?");
        uint8_t * result = Sha256.resultHmac();

        Serial.println("Expect: 5bdcc146bf60754e6a042426089575c75a003f089d2739839dec58b964ec3843");
        Serial.print(  "Got   : ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] >> 4]);
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] & 0xf]);

void loop(void)


Disabling the C++ Wrapper

The C++ wrapper increases the overhead and eats up some RAM. So one can disable the wrapper by defining SHA256_DISABLE_WRAPPER in config.h


Instantiating a new Hasher

A new hasher can be created by calling sha256_hasher_new:

#include "sha256.h"

sha256_hasher_t hasher;

void setup(void)
         hasher = sha256_hasher_new();

Writing to the Hasher

Before one writes to the hasher he should invoke sha256_hasher_init, although this function has been called by sha256_hasher_new. Then he can write safely:

void loop(void)

        sha256_hasher_write(hasher, "abc", 3);

Obtaining the Result and free’ing the Hasher

void loop(void)
        sha256_hasher_write(hasher, "abc", 3);

        uint8_t * result;
        result = sha256_hasher_gethash(hasher);

        Serial.print("EXPECT: ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad\n");
        Serial.print("GOT   : ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] >> 4]);
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] & 0xf]);

        // do not actually delete the hasher
        // we are inside loop

        // sha256_hasher_del(hasher);



sha256_hasher_new(void): sha256_hasher_t

Allocate and initialize a new hasher.

sha256_hasher_del(sha256_hasher_t hasher): void

Free the hasher.

sha256_hasher_init(sha256_hasher_t hasher)

(Re-) Initialize the hasher for hashing.

sha256_hasher_putc(sha256_hasher_t hasher, uint8_t byte): int

Put byte to the hasher. Follows the standard putc conventions.

sha256_hasher_gethash(sha256_hasher_t hasher): uint8_t *

Returns a reference of the hash. One must not free the result. This modifies the state of the hasher. Once this function has been called, sha256_hasher_init must be invoked or sha256_hasher_putc will fail.

sha256_hasher_write(sha256_hasher_t hasher, const void * buf, size_t count): ssize_t

Writes to the hasher. Follows the standard write conventions and uses sha256_hasher_putc.

If SHA256_ENABLE_HMAC is defined in config.h also the following functions are available:

sha256_hasher_init_hmac(sha256_hasher_t hasher, const uint8_t * key, size_t key_len): void

Initialize the hasher for HMAC. Invokes sha256_hasher_init.

sha256_hasher_gethmac(sha256_hasher_t hasher): uint8_t *

Returns a reference of the hash. One must not free the result. This modifies the state of the hasher. Once this function has been called, sha256_hasher_init must be invoked or sha256_hasher_putc will fail.


Simple Usage

cryptosuite2 brings a C++ interface that can be used by Arduino users easily.

After including the header one can use the class Sha1Wrapper with the methods

init(void): void

Initializes the Sha1Wrapper for hashing. Must be invoked before hashing.

result(void): uint8_t *

Returns a reference to the hash. Once this method has been called init must be invoked again.

write(various types): size_t

Write data into the hasher.

If the preprocessor macro SHA1_ENABLE_HMAC in config.h is set (which it is by default) 1 the following methods are available:

initHmac(const uint8_t * secret, unsigned int secretLength): void

Initializes the Sha1Wrapper for HMAC.

resultHmac(void): uint8_t *

Returns a reference to the hash. Once this method has been called init must be invoked again.

sha1.h also brings a global hasher: Sha1.


#include "sha1.h"

// read data from the serial interface and print the
// hash to the serial

void setup(void)

void loop(void)


        uint8_t * result = Sha1.result();


        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] >> 4]);
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] & 0xf]);

The same way HMAC can be used:

#include "sha1.h"

void setup(void)

        // this is actually the RFC4231 4.3 test

        Sha1.initHmac((uint8_t * ) "Jefe", 4);
        Sha1.print("what do ya want for nothing?");
        uint8_t * result = Sha1.resultHmac();

        Serial.println("Expect: b0344c61d8db38535ca8afceaf0bf12b881dc200c9833da726e9376c2e32cff7");
        Serial.print(  "Got   : ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] >> 4]);
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] & 0xf]);

void loop(void)


Disabling the C++ Wrapper

The C++ wrapper increases the overhead and eats up some RAM. So one can disable the wrapper by defining SHA1_DISABLE_WRAPPER in config.h:


Instantiating a new Hasher

A new hasher can be created by calling sha1_hasher_new:

#include "sha1.h"

sha1_hasher_t hasher;

void setup(void)
         hasher = sha1_hasher_new();

Writing to the Hasher

Before one writes to the hasher he should invoke sha1_hasher_init, although this function has been called by sha1_hasher_new. Then he can write safely:

void loop(void)

        sha1_hasher_write(hasher, "abc", 3);

Obtaining the Result and free’ing the Hasher

void loop(void)
        sha1_hasher_write(hasher, "abc", 3);

        uint8_t * result;
        result = sha1_hasher_gethash(hasher);

        Serial.print("EXPECT: ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad\n");
        Serial.print("GOT   : ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] >> 4]);
                Serial.print("0123456789abcdef"[result[i] & 0xf]);

        // do not actually delete the hasher
        // we are inside loop

        // sha1_hasher_del(hasher);



sha1_hasher_new(void): sha1_hasher_t

Allocate and initialize a new hasher.

sha1_hasher_del(sha1_hasher_t hasher): void

Free the hasher.

sha1_hasher_init(sha1_hasher_t hasher)

(Re-) Initialize the hasher for hashing.

sha1_hasher_putc(sha1_hasher_t hasher, uint8_t byte): int

Put byte to the hasher. Follows the standard putc conventions.

sha1_hasher_gethash(sha1_hasher_t hasher): uint8_t *

Returns a reference of the hash. One must not free the result. This modifies the state of the hasher. Once this function has been called, sha1_hasher_init must be invoked or sha1_hasher_putc will fail.

sha1_hasher_write(sha1_hasher_t hasher, const void * buf, size_t count): ssize_t

Writes to the hasher. Follows the standard write conventions and uses sha1_hasher_putc.

If SHA1_ENABLE_HMAC is defined in config.h also the following functions are available:

sha1_hasher_init_hmac(sha1_hasher_t hasher, const uint8_t * key, size_t key_len): void

Initialize the hasher for HMAC. Invokes sha1_hasher_init.

sha1_hasher_gethmac(sha1_hasher_t hasher): uint8_t *

Returns a reference of the hash. One must not free the result. This modifies the state of the hasher. Once this function has been called, sha1_hasher_init must be invoked or sha1_hasher_putc will fail.


config.h includes shaX/default.h. Some configuration is done here. When using the Arduino interface one should only edit config.h.