Source code for py_register_machine2.engine_tools.conversions


A collection of conversion functions/generators.


import math

[docs]def int_to_bytes(int_, width = None): """ .. _int_to_bytes: Converts the ``int`` ``int_`` to a ``bytes`` object. ``len(result) == width``. If ``width`` is None, a number of bytes that is able to hold the number is choosen, depending on ``int_.bit_length()``. See also: bytes_to_int_ """ if(width == None): width = int_.bit_length() byts = math.ceil(width / 8) return bytes([ (int_ >> (shift * 8)) & 0xff for shift in range(byts)])
[docs]def bytes_to_int(bytes_, width = None): """ .. _bytes_to_int: Converts the ``bytes`` object ``bytes_`` to an ``int``. If ``width`` is none, ``width = len(byte_) * 8`` is choosen. See also: int_to_bytes_ *Example* >>> from py_register_machine2.engine_tools.conversions import * >>> i = 4012 >>> int_to_bytes(i) b'\xac\x0f' >>> bytes_to_int(int_to_bytes(i)) == i True """ if(width == None): width = len(bytes_) else: width = width // 8 if(width > len(bytes_)): padding = b"\x00" * (width - len(bytes_)) bytes_ = bytes_ + padding ints = [ (int_ << (shift * 8)) for shift, int_ in enumerate(bytes_[:width])] return sum(ints)
[docs]def to_int(argument): """ Converts the ``str`` argument to an integer: >>> from py_register_machine2.engine_tools.conversions import * >>> to_int("0x04") 4 >>> to_int("'a'") 97 """ if(argument.startswith("0b")): return int(argument[2:], 2) elif(argument.startswith("0x")): return int(argument[2:], 16) elif(argument.startswith("0") and argument != "0"): return int(argument[1:], 8) elif(argument[0] == "'" and argument[2] == "'"): return ord(argument[1]) return int(argument)
[docs]def chunks(iterable, size = 8): """ from `Stack Overflow <>`_ """ for i in range(0, len(iterable), size): yield l[i:i + n]