Source code for py_register_machine2.core.commands


**py_register_machine2.core.commands**: Abstract Commands

[docs]class BaseCommand(object): """ The base class for Commands. Every Command has to be derived from BaseCommand and provide the following functions: * exec_ * numargs_ * mnemonic_ * opcode_ * argtypes_ argtypes_ must be a list of ``ArgumentType`` objects. """ def __init__(self, mnemonic, opcode, numargs, argtypes): self._mnemonic = mnemonic self._opcode = opcode self._numargs = numargs self._argtypes = argtypes self.register_interface = None self.membus = None self.devbus = None
[docs] def exec(self, *args): """ .. _exec: Exec will execute the Action of the Command. The method will be provided with numargs_ arguments and might read/write data via the attributes ``register_interface``, ``membus`` and ``devbus`` provided once the Command is registered in the Processor_ using register_command_. """ pass
[docs] def numargs(self): """ .. _numargs: Returns the number of needed arguments. Used in the ``fetch-operands-phase``. """ return self._numargs
[docs] def mnemonic(self): """ .. _mnemonic: Returns the mnemonic of the command (``str``). Used by the Assembler and Disassembler. """ return self._mnemonic
[docs] def opcode(self): """ .. _opcode: Returns the opcode of the command (``int``). Used by the Assembler and in the ``decode-command-phase``. """ return self._opcode
[docs] def argtypes(self): """ .. _argtypes: Return a list of ArgumentType objects defining the argument types, i.e.:: [ArgumentType(type_ = "register", can_default = False, default = 0), ArgumentType(type_ = "register", can_default = False, default = 0)] """ return self._argtypes
[docs]class ArgumentType(object): """ .. _ArgumentType: Represents argument types. Actually there are only the types ``"register"`` and ``"const"`` but it might be helpful to use default values. Those are stored in the ArgumentType, too. This module provides the functions ``registerargument()`` and ``constargument()`` those will return an ``ArgumentType(type_ = "register", can_default = False, default = 0)`` and an ``ArgumentType(type_ = "const", can_default = False, default = 0)`` """ def __init__(self, type_ = "register", can_default = False, default = 0): self.type_ = type_ self.can_default = can_default self.default = default def __repr__(self): return "ArgumentType(type_ = {}, can_default = {}, default = {})".format(repr(self.type_), self.can_default, repr(self.default))
def registerargument(): return ArgumentType(type_ = "register", can_default = False, default = 0) def constargument(): return ArgumentType(type_ = "const", can_default = False, default = 0)
[docs]class ArithmeticCommand(BaseCommand): """ .. _ArithmeticCommand: Used for calculation commands, ``numargs`` is always 2, both arguments are Registers. *Example*: The ``add`` command:: add_function = lambda a,b: a+b add_command = ArithmeticCommand("add", 2, add_function) """ def __init__(self, mnemonic, opcode, function): BaseCommand.__init__(self, mnemonic, opcode, 2, [registerargument(), registerargument()]) self.function = function
[docs] def exec(self, operand1, operand2): """ Uses two operands and performs a function on their content.:: operand1 = function(operand1, operand2) """ in1 = in2 = out = self.function(in1, in2) self.register_interface.write(operand2, out)
[docs]class FunctionCommand(BaseCommand): """ .. _FunctionCommand: Provides a basic handle to create Commands. The argument ``function`` is a function with at least three arguments: 1. ``register_interface`` 2. ``memory_BUS`` 3. ``device_BUS`` The function will be able to access the Processor's RegisterInterface_ and BUS_ es through this arguments. If the function needs any operands the number of additional arguments have to be in ``numargs`` For arithmetic commands (like ``add``, ``mul``,...) see ArithmeticCommand_. *Example*: ``ld`` Command:: def ld_function(register_interface, memory_BUS, device_BUS, addr_from, to): from_ = word = memory_BUS.read_word(from_) register_interface.write(to, word) ld_command = FunctionCommand("ld", 34, 2, ld_function, [constargument(), registerargument()]) *Example*: ``nop`` Command:: def nop_function(register_interface, memory_BUS, device_BUS): return nop_command = FunctionCommand("nop", 36, 0, nop_function, []) """ def __init__(self, mnemonic, opcode, numargs, function, argtypes): BaseCommand.__init__(self, mnemonic, opcode, numargs, argtypes) self.function = function def exec(self, *args): self.function(self.register_interface, self.membus, self.devbus, *args)